In the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Boone has long been a favorite vacation destination. During the 1880s, Southerners came here to escape the summer heat. In recent years, Boone has also become a winter ski destination. Daniel Boone traveled through this area on his way to Kentucky in the late 1700s — hence, the town’s name.
Boone has been called “the coolest spot in the South,” with an average temperature of 68°F (20°C) in summer. Golf, tennis, swimming, fishing, skiing, and sightseeing are part of the local attractions. The region’s rugged terrain lends itself to a variety of high-adventure outdoor sports, from mountain biking and canoeing to white-water rafting and rock climbing. For summer visitors, there’s also Kermit Hunter’s play Horn in the West, as well as an Appalachian Summer Festival of concerts, drama, and art exhibits.